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Cary Community PlanThe Cary Community Plan sets out a long-term vision, policies, and strategic actions to guide Cary's growth through 2040.  The MOVE chapter includes the Transit Element.
Transportation Improvement ProgramA 10-year work program that includes all regionally significant transportation projects in the MPO planning area.  All projects in the TIP must be consistent with the adopted Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) and State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). Projects are programmed through the State's competitive SPOT process and through CAMPO's competitive LAPP process.  GoCary relies on the CAMPO public involvement process of the TIP to meet Section 5307 public involvement requirements.
Wake Transit PlanIn November 2016, Wake County voters approved a transit-dedicated half-cent sales tax investment to expand and better connect the public transit network throughout Wake County. 
CAMPOThe Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization serves as the coordinating agency between local governments, NCDOT, FTA, and FHWA.
FTAThe Federal Transit Administration (FTA) provides financial and technical assistance to local public transit systems, including buses, subways, light rail, commuter rail, trolleys and ferries. FTA also oversees safety measures and helps develop next-generation technology research.
NCDOTThe North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Integrated Mobility Division works to foster the development of public transportation options across the state.
NCPTAThe North Carolina Public Transportation Association (NCPTA) supports members and the public they serve through advocacy, education, and collaboration, to achieve excellence in public transportation.